With the arrival of the new year, first graders are taking part in an age-old new year tradition – making resolutions! We talked as a class about what it means to make a resolution and why they are important. We discussed how a resolution should be a goal you have for yourself that will make you happier, healthier, stronger, smarter, kinder, etc! Ms. Ursino shared some past resolutions to help give them some ideas such as drinking more water, reading 50 books in the year, and visiting 3 new places!
Iris: I will save money and help with chores.
Fable: I will be nice to my sister. I will eat healthier.
James: I will do 30 sit ups a day. I will be nice to my sister. I will read ten books.
Asher: I will be more responsible. I hope to win my tournament. I will grow. I will learn.
Nova: I will be more kind. I will craft.
Jewel: I will save money. I will do the chores. I will clean my room.
Warner: I will be a scientist when I grow up. I will study more about how to be a scientist.
Anora: I will learn ballet, tap and jazz.
Levi: I hope to have a play date with Jude. I will read 5 books.
Jude: I hope to play less screens, more board games and 5 books.
Annie: I will get better at basketball at the YMCA and read for an hour!
Lucca: I will help my dad work and I will help my mom with the dishes.a
Ariana: I want to get more flexible.
Finn: I will try new food. I will save up for $50. I will do less screens. I will read 9 books.
Caroline: I want to make a stuffy for Ariana.