We’re back from Thanksgiving Break! Remember Wednesday is picture retake day and there will be an early release on Friday. Here’s what we’re working on this week:
Writing: We will take an in-depth look into the three types of paragraphs in a multi-paragraph essay: introductions, body paragraphs, and conclusions. Students will write a 5 paragraph essay rough draft this week practicing those paragraphs.
Reading: Students are working through their reading group books.
Spelling/Grammar: It’s a spelling week! Check on Friday.
Science: We are learning more about force and energy in preparation for diving into our study of electricity.
Social Studies: We are working on some maps and timelines in preparation for turning our attention to Asia, Africa, and Europe in the 1400s.
Math: We are doing a bit of review this week. We will review major concepts from this year – including multi-digit multiplication and division and adding/subtracting/multiplying fractions. On Friday, we will begin a new unit on dividing fractions.