Social Studies Update

Students in World History II began the semester with a project centered around government exploration. As we enter our study of state building in Europe, this project will provide a helpful foundation. Students are working either alone or in small groups to dream up their ideal government and legal system. Conversations between groups have demonstrated impressive critical thinking, empathy, and key considerations, especially as students work to compromise in areas of disagreement. Students will present their systems to the class on Monday. From here, we’ll examine the English Civil War and Glorious Revolution, look at Louis XIV’s leadership in France as the Sun King, and examine state building in European nations while contrasting with the Asian countries we’ve recently studied.

Students began their first philosophy class today with a definition of philosophy, their hopes for the class, and the creation of group norms. With discussion-based classes, norms can help to ensure each member is on the same page with expectations and demonstrating respect. Tomorrow we’ll put our norms to work as we’ll discuss “The Cave” as a class, and students will begin their first project, which is to research a famous philosopher and present to the class.

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