Happy snow day! I hope you are staying warm and cozy today! Here are some activities you can do at home to keep your brain sharp. Ask your parents to send me a picture of what you are doing today on Remind so I can see those first grade smiles!
Love, Ms. Ursino

Snow Day Activities
- Watch this Sci Show Kids Video about icicles and write down 3 things you learned to share with your class.
- Build a blanket fort to read in! Be sure to send a picture to Ms. Ursino!
- What is the temperature today? Find the temperature of 3 other cities around the world and compare them.
- Choose 2 ways to practice your spelling words and/or sight words (write them in the snow, color code, type a list, spell them out loud, put them in ABC order).
- Write an acrostic poem about snow or winter.
- Listen to a story read aloud to you. Visit this link for online options. http://www.storylineonline.net/ Talk to a family member, pet, or stuffed animal about the main characters and setting!