Week of 4/29 – 5/3

It’s a big week!  We’re looking forward to Grandfriends’ Day and the Spring Concert tomorrow and a late start day on Wednesday. Writing: Fictional narratives.

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Week of 4/23-4/26

Hope everyone had a wonderful Home Stretch Holiday break!  Here’s what the 5th graders are up to this week: Writing: Students will begin writing a

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Week of 4/15-4/19

Here’s what we’re up to in the 5th grade classroom this week! There will be no school on Friday or next Monday. Enjoy the Home

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Sr. Camp Raven!

Hey Summit families! This summer, incoming middle and high school students are invited to enrich their summer with a series lineup to meet a variety

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Week of 4/8- 4/12

It’s the first of a few 4-day weeks in a row.  Here’s what fifth graders are doing: Writing: Final revisions and edits on our last

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Ozark Food Harvest Farm Visit

On Tuesday, the third, fourth, and fifth graders visited the Ozark Food Harvest Farms.  Students planted onions, learned about greenhouses and composting, and made smoothies

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