4th Grade Classroom Logistics
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School Information
The Summit Preparatory School
202 E. Walnut Lawn
Springfield, MO 65807
Phone: (417) 869-8077
Contact Information
Shelly Pollard, Teacher
Email: spollard@thesummitprep.org
Students should arrive at school everyday dressed in appropriate Summit attire with a backpack, water bottle, computer, charger, and headphones.
4th Grade Supply List Class Schedule
Life in Fourth Grade
We are all unique in our thinking and learning.
Respect, integrity, and growth mindset are encouraged daily. Different learning strategies and styles are encouraged and respected.
Morning Routines: Students will be introduced to a regular morning work routine, which involves checking in, unpacking their computer and all needed supplies, using the restroom if needed, and preparing for Morning Meeting. Responsive Classroom Morning Meetings are whole-class gatherings, designed to be a place where classmates build a sense of community by participating in four purposeful and interactive components: Greeting, Share, Group Activity, and Morning Message.
Snack: Students may bring a healthy snack to the classroom. We will combine our morning writing time with eating their snack.
Classroom Economy: Every student in fourth grade has a job that changes weekly. Jobs keep our classroom running efficiently. As we learn about economics, I will add more details to this exciting classroom routine!
Curriculum Overview
Reading strategies for both fiction and nonfiction, including, but not limited to: story elements, summarizing a text, character and setting development and analysis, theme and main ideas, perspective and point of view, informational text structure, comparing texts, literal and inferential aspects of a text, and analyzing multiple accounts of an event.
Third through Fifth grade students at The Summit will be using the Write Now, Right Now writing curriculum
Variety of genres including: expository writing (both informative and explanatory writing), opinion writing, both fictional and personal narratives, informational pieces, book reports, poetry, and more.
LAD Fair competition: Each student selects writing to be entered into the competition in the spring.
Spelling and Word Study
Weekly focus on one Greek or Latin root
Regular practice of using context clues to decipher a word and its meaning
Spelling words focus on specific spelling patterns using the Words Their Way spelling program
Number Sense: place value, rounding, comparing, and estimating numbers into the billions
Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division strategies with multi-digit numbers
Fractions, decimals, and percents, including mixed numbers, improper fractions, adding and subtracting fractions and mixed numbers, and multiplying a fraction by a whole number
Algebraic thinking with order of operations and solving for unknown variables
Geometry and measurement concepts such as perimeter, area, capacity, volume, properties of 2 and 3-dimensional figures
Data analysis and probability, interpreting and understanding graphs
Generating and analyzing complex patterns
Weekly multi-step word problems and critical thinking challenges
Science & Social Studies
1st trimester: Oceanography; regions of the U.S.
2nd trimester: Forces and motion; economics
3rd trimester: U.S. habitats and ecology; Federal government
Curriculum Description
Language Arts
Language Arts consists of reading, writing, and word study. Reading and writing regularly each day is strongly emphasized, and both are incorporated throughout the day in all subjects, including math. Students will read a variety of genres and be exposed to many authors. Mini-lessons and read-alouds will focus on a comprehension skill or strategy, such as analyzing characters or setting, visualizing, predicting, and making inferences.. Small group instruction and independent practice will follow whole-group lessons. Fourth graders will participate in group book clubs, reading partnerships, and independent reading. Writing is taught using models and mentor texts to focus on a specific skill within the writing process. Writing includes journaling, narrative stories, informational essays, opinion essays, literature responses, letter writing, and poetry. Word study includes vocabulary and instruction of spelling patterns. Since over half of English words are derived from Greek or Latin roots, fourth graders will be introduced to the meaning and spelling of words with a new root each week. By analyzing the meaning of a prefix, suffix, or root, students will learn to unlock the meaning of an unknown word. Students will be given multiple and various exposures to a word in order to fully understand the meaning.
What to Expect:
While reading logs are not sent home, students will be expected to read every night for at least 30 minutes. Students will be working through a 40 book challenge throughout the year that encourages students to explore different genres and authors. Two to three times a week, we will do a “Status of the Class” check-in and/or individual book interviews, in which students will share what they are currently reading, and how far they are into the book. Not only does this help students make book recommendations and share books they enjoy, it helps determine if the book they are reading is a good fit or not. Written reading responses are completed regularly.
In connection with science and social studies units each trimester, students will be introduced to a root each week to build their understanding of Greek and Latin root words, and a vocabulary word to learn how to decipher unknown words using context clues.
A weekly list of spelling words pertaining to a specific spelling pattern will be provided each week. Emphasis is on learning spelling patterns and increasing vocabulary, rather than memorizing a list of words for a Friday spelling test. Spelling lists will match a student’s developmental spelling stage based on a Spelling Inventory taken three times over the course of the school year.
Through the use of manipulatives, visual models, hands on experiences, and problem solving opportunities, fourth grade students build on previously learned math skills. Working with numbers into the billions, students broaden their understanding of number theory, place value, rounding, and estimation. Students evaluate expressions using positive and negative integers, applying order of operations, and solving for variables. Computational skills are furthered through instruction and practice in adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing whole numbers, decimals, and fractions. Conceptual understanding and automatic recall are both emphasized as students solve multi-digit multiplication and division problems. Further work with fractions, decimals, and percents will be integrated in the study of economics as students use mathematical knowledge in practical application. Through geometry and measurement, students identify and measure properties of figures, determine perimeter, area, capacity, surface, and volume, and explore coordinate grid systems. Integrating data analysis and probability, students will use real life data to create and interpret graphs, make predictions, and solve problems.
What to Expect:
Having a positive mathematical mindset is important for students as developing mathematicians. Daily math instruction is implemented through whole-class mini-lessons followed by small group instruction and independent practice. Students are encouraged to work with others as much as possible through games and real-world problem solving projects. Different strategies are encouraged and respected, as we are all different learners. Strategies may be used “As long as it works every time.” Visual models, written explanation, and multiple strategies and methods are stressed during regular word problem solving and real-life projects and exploration.
If necessary, students will be required to practice math facts at home to increase fluency.
Science & Social Studies
What to Expect:
Science and social studies topics will be integrated daily through reading, writing, and math, when applicable.
The Science Fair is tentatively scheduled to take place in the spring, and students are highly encouraged to participate. Between January and April, students will work through the Scientific Method to choose a scientific problem, create a hypothesis, create a list of materials, develop a step-by-step procedure, and conduct three experiments to test their hypothesis. Projects will be completed for judging at The Summit Science Fair, and will be on display at Grandparents Day.
Once a week, fourth graders will participate in STEM class.
Tentative Field Trips
When and if it becomes safe to participate in field trips, The Summit will inform the community. Field trips in the 4th grade will have a focus on Science or Social Studies units of study and are subject to change.
Students use their laptops to support all areas of the fourth grade curriculum. They will be expected to have their laptop charged and ready for each school day. As a school, we utilize the word processing and presentation applications of the Google Suite. Keyboarding skills are emphasized for students to type quickly, accurately, and with correct technique. Multiple online programs allow parents to keep track of student progress, such as iXL and Epic Reading.
Character Education
Character Education is integrated into a variety of classroom interactions, reinforcing the Summit philosophy of valuing and respecting each individual. We will use our Morning Meeting times to build on different components of Character Education, focusing on topics such as Growth Mindset, Integrity, Intrinsic Motivation, Compassion, and Kindness.