Snow Day! Wednesday Feb. 1st, 2023

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It’s cold and icy outside again today but I hope my Early Learners and their families are safe at home!  Here a few more suggestions for our sweet children!  Have a wonderful day!

Magnetic Letter Fun
There are so many ways you can use magnetic letters. If you happen to have a set at home feel free to try these ideas.

  • Use magnetic letters on a cookie sheet for an alphabet sensory experience and for reviewing letter and sound recognition.
  • If you have the book Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, read the story.  With the magnetic letters, ask your Early Learners to match their magnetic letters to the letters in the book!  Ask them to re-tell the story to you!
  • Match magnetic letters to objects that have the same beginning sound.
  • If you have playdoh or even a tray of salt/sugar your Early Learner can use the letters to make prints of familiar letters and words.


Using a mirror, let your child draw themselves. Point out facial features like eyebrows and eyelashes. If they draw their whole body, add in some fashion design! Don’t be surprised if your child takes some liberties, i.e. “Yes, I do have rainbow hair!”


Help your child learn/review their shapes by tracing common household items. Turn over a cup to make circles, and other household items for rectangles, squares, etc. Hunting is part of the fun. Kids may want to decorate their shapes, cut them out and glue them on to larger paper for fancy art projects.

Ice cube tray sorting and pattern-making

Here’s another way to mix math, art and fine motor skills. You’ll need an ice cube tray, egg container or muffin tin, plus small items to play with, such as various dried beans, buttons, coins or marbles. Jewelry, like plastic rings or earrings have that lost their partner, makes it extra exciting.

Your child can sort the items (by color, size, pattern or any way they like), make patterns with them or invent their own game. There are tons of possibilities and no right answers; this type of play blends logical thinking and mathematical reasoning with creativity.

For extra fun and challenge, use tweezers or clothespins to pick up the items

Dyed paper

Art, science or interior design? This project is so versatile and produces such attractive results you may want to use it as decoration. Similar to tie-dye, but without the tying, just use paper towels and a few colors of either diluted food coloring or liquid tempera paint to make fantastic designs.

What to do: Fold a paper towel until it’s the size of cracker, then dip it into the paint until saturated, dipping each corner into a different color. Then carefully unfold it and let dry, preferably on a tablecloth or anything you don’t mind staining. Be prepared for repetition as children experiment with different ways to fold the paper and marvel at the lovely results.

When dry, the paper towels can be strung together and hung up, or taped to windows for a stained glass-like effect.

Bookmaking (Journal Writing)

Children have so many stories to tell, and only need help writing it all down. Fold paper in half and staple at the crease to make pages. After the story is written, go back and read it to the child so they can illustrate each page. This simple activity builds confidence, self-esteem and literacy skills.


When you have some extra time, make up an easy, hands-on cooking project for your next snack or meal. For children, cooking can mean sensory exploration, logical ordering, measuring and confidence boosting. Let them do as much of the work as possible. The easiest recipes are ready-to-eat foods like sandwiches, wraps or rollups and salads.

My sweet Early Learners, can you make lunch for your family?

Don’t forget to get your wiggles out and try some indoor movement with these simple activities:

  • Play a game of hide and seek in your house!
  • Have a dance party!  Then play ‘Freeze Dance’. Dance to music.  When the music stops, everyone freezes!  Maintain shape until the music starts again!
  • Is it slippery outside of your house? How about a little ice skating?

Once again, I hope you are all healthy, safe and warm!  I look forward to seeing you! Have a wonderful day!

The Summit Preparatory School is a fully accredited, non-religious, private school offering a full-time seated independent education for students in Springfield, Ozark, Nixa, Rogersville, and the greater Southwest Missouri area. Our preparatory school setting offers an enriching early childhood, elementary, middle school, and high school curriculum in a supportive environment. We have state of the art facilities, highly-qualified teachers and staff, and a large range of educational programming. Interested in enrolling your child? Learn more about our admissions process.

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