
Last week, we went through the alphabet checking for which letters we can “feel” using our teeth, tongue, or lips, and which letters we “can’t feel.”  After sorting all the letters, we discovered that each group has a name!  Vowels and Consonants.  We learned that vowels are like the glue of words.  We looked back at some of our decodable words and noticed that ALL of them had a vowel in the middle.  We also looked at our names to count how many vowels we have.  We learned a song to help us remember.

To the tune of BINGO:
There are some kids who know their vowels and this is what they sing, oh!
A E I O U, A E I O U, A E I O U and this is what they sing, oh!

Image result for scholasticSCHOLASTIC BOOK ORDERS

Use this link when purchasing to earn free books for our classroom: https://orders.scholastic.com/P68YN  Orders are due online by Thursday, January 31 at 3:30 pm.  Let Mrs. Bradley know if you need help or have questions.



Image result for city clipartSummitfield Buildings are due back at school by THIS FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1.  Please let Mrs. Bradley know if you have any questions.  More information can be found on the Urban Community Project tab at the top of the blog.




Image result for 100th day clipart

Don’t forget, the 100th day of school is coming up!! To help us visualize what 100 looks like, I am asking that each child decorate a hat with 100 items on it.

Some ideas to use as decorations are stickers, googly eyes, fabric paint, pieces of candy, cotton balls, buttons, pom-poms, safety pins, stamps, etc. The lighter-weight the item, the easier it is to glue, stick, or attach 100 things to the hat.  Have fun decorating any hat that you would like with 100 items on it.  Please have your child wear their hat on Monday, February 4 as we celebrate the 100th day of school! 
Participation in the 100th Day Hat is not required, but will greatly add to our fun! Please let me know if you need assistance gathering materials or supplies.

Keep in mind that if school is cancelled due to weather conditions between now and then, our 100th day (and celebrations) will be delayed a day.


The Summit Preparatory School is a fully accredited, non-religious, private school offering a full-time seated independent education for students in Springfield, Ozark, Nixa, Rogersville, and the greater Southwest Missouri area. Our preparatory school setting offers an enriching early childhood, elementary, middle school, and high school curriculum in a supportive environment. We have state of the art facilities, highly-qualified teachers and staff, and a large range of educational programming. Interested in enrolling your child? Learn more about our admissions process.

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