
cops poster image

Summit first graders are applying the C.O.P.S. strategy to edit their writing.  Using the acronym, students are actively checking their sentences for appropriate capitalization, organization, punctuation, and spelling.   When looking at capitalization, students are checking that proper nouns, titles, and the beginning of a sentence each have capitalization.  Organization requires that students check that a sentence sounds right, has word spaces, is a complete thought, and has neat handwriting.  Checking for punctuation, students are making sure proper end marks are used, as well as commas and apostrophes.  Finally, students are checking that they have spelled words correctly.  Writing the C.O.P.S. acronym beside their sentences, students are encouraged and supported in correct their own writing.

The Summit Preparatory School is a fully accredited, non-religious, private school offering a full-time seated independent education for students in Springfield, Ozark, Nixa, Rogersville, and the greater Southwest Missouri area. Our preparatory school setting offers an enriching early childhood, elementary, middle school, and high school curriculum in a supportive environment. We have state of the art facilities, highly-qualified teachers and staff, and a large range of educational programming. Interested in enrolling your child? Learn more about our admissions process.

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